Well I'll add some more details later but here's what happened last night. I had been to Sydney to see `In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play' and came home on the train. Loopy picked me up and we went home to get the cake for our friend, Wendy's birthday party. We were almost there, on Gordon Avenue waiting to turn into Dumaresque Street, when we were hit from behind by a taxi! I didn't experience the accident as Loopy did. Apparently we hit the roof of the car, were thrown backward, which broke both our seats and we did a full 180 degree spin. I wasn't aware that we had spun so I was completely disorientated. North was south and east was west. My priorities at that point were very strange. I checked Loopy, I felt his head and shoulders. Then I verbally attacked the poor taxi driver. In between asking him if he was ok I was hurling horrendous insults at the poor man. Within seconds of the accident we were surrounded by people who were there to help.
After Loopy and the taxi driver, my next priority was the cake! Thankfully my brownie recipe was completely intact, having just come out of the fridge. The strangers called the ambulance and cops and were offering help. I couldn't find my glasses. Loopy found them. I couldn't stay still whereas Loopy was sitting and regaining his composure. There were people hauling bits of the cars off of the road and three people had brooms sweeping up glass. A lady was signalling the oncoming traffic with a torch. The two things that were going through my head were "must get the cake to the party and why is the Dumaresque Street Sign pointing North when it should be pointing east?" Loopy got Wendy on the phone and I couldn't get my bearings. I couldn't make sense and I knew it. It took me 20 minutes to understand the car had spun and I had no idea which way was up.
Then Wendy was there. Everything was going to be ok. The cake would be saved. The ambulance came and checked us out and the cops arrived a short time later. I was completely disorientated and totally freaked. The taxi driver didn't break at all! No screech! Just the noise and a huge bang to the head. The ambulance guys checked us out. The cops got details. I got the opportunity to apologise to the taxi driver for my hysterical and unacceptable outburst. And then Stevie, Wendy's partner was there. Wendy had cleaned out the car and had taken the cake back to the party.
From the moment she arrived she kept saying "you can have the station wagon as long as you need it". The thing is, it was horrible but within seconds we were surrounded by people helping us and within minutes our friends were there. The ambo's were satisfied we were ok, the cops took statements and the car got towed. We walked with Steve to the party where we were showered with support, hugs and a stiff drink. Gisela was like a pair of crutches keeping us from collapsing. She was incredible and after a couple of hours Wendy's wonderful neighbour, Anne gave us a lift home. We both hit our heads but I really hurt the whole left side of my body. I'm very sore. Loopy has hurt his back, but I think we'll be fine in a couple of days. I think the car is cactus. The Taxi collected the rear left corner of the car and the chassis is twisted.
As I said it was horrible but we were ok and surrounded by good friends immediately.
It's weird. I feel I have so much to be grateful for.
You're both very loved and cherished and we're all glad it wasn't worse and the cake was ruined.
As far as more details are concerned that is what happened. The feeling of not knowing north from south was pretty terrifying. I was in an assortment of pain till Tuesday and on wednesday I woke up pretty much pain free. My head still feels funny but we are ok. Loopy has a hire car (thanks Alliance) with airbags so I take off my glasses when riding. I'm so grateful to have Steve and Wendy in my life. Some miracle (AKA Ross Carroll) is responsible for that. I just adore Gisela and Anne was wonderful. Anne stuck with me at the site and as I said I have so much to be grateful for. I was hyper kinetic after the accident. I meant to say "couldn't" stay still in the post. I was still vibrating when I wrote it. Now I'm just drunk.