Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Insane rant on Huffpost

Here's a comment I left after I read a story about Rush Limbaugh criticizing President Obama.

Why wont they stop digging. How deep do they want that hole. They're like a cornered feral cat. This episode and the war on women, the war on health, the war on youth, the war on the poor. Watch that cops show for 30 minutes and talk about class warfare. This competition for nominee it's like watching a huge animal in it's death throws. It just occurred to me that the republicans in there now are the left overs from the Bush era making sure George, Dick, and, Rumpsfeld got away with it. The suicide bombers of the right. Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Those awful people all over the southwest. Sharon Angle, that nasty Jan Brewer.

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